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Maritime Technical Administration


For Vessel Registration Inspection, Certification and All Technical Support

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Certificate Verification


STCW "White List" Seafarers Training, Licensing and Certification.

Do not require the use of lawyers as intermediaries for registration and as such there are no lawyer / agent fees that apply unless owner chooses to use an agent. All application for any certificate or document can be made directly to the registry via the owner or the owner's appointed manager.

There is no restriction on the nationality of officers or crew. Crew certifications from IMO “White Listed” countries are recognized.

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Vessel Document Verification

Ascent Register - The Maritime Technical Administration permits registration of vessels under construction, new buildings and Change of flags. It permits registration of vessels involved in international, coastal or domestic trading as well as all types of off-shore vessels and vessels in lay-up..

International Conventions:

  • IMO Convention 1948
  • IMO Amendments 1991
  • IMO Amendments 1993
  • SOLAS 1974 - ISM - ISPS
  • SOLAS Protocol 1978 
  • SOLAS Protocol 1988 
  • Load Lines Convention 1966
  • Load Lines Protocol 1988
  • Tonnage Convention 1969 
  • STCW 2010
  • MARPOL 73/78 Annex I/II
  • MARPOL 73/78 Annex III
  • MARPOL 73/78 Annex IV
  • MARPOL 73/78 Annex V
  • MARPOL 97 Annex VI
  • CLC Protocol 92
  • CLC Protocol 92
  • OPRC Convention 1990
  • SAR Convention 1979
  • FAL Convention 196 
  • LLMC Protocol 1966 
  • LLMC Convention 1976 
  • SUA Convention 1998
  • HNS Convention 199 
  • BUNKERS Convention 2001
  • COLREG Convention 1972


This is a privately held maritime and corporate service provider, specializing in the needs of the shipping and financial services industries across a broad commercial and economic spectrum. Headquartered in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand.

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Corporate Services at SamoaCorporate Services
Maritime Services in SamoaMaritime Services

Reliable Register

The Ascent Navals Register offers a five-year Statutory Services . We offer vessel owners a competitive statutory survey and certification package that is a cost-effective and efficient solution to consolidating vessel services and mitigating costs.

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