Flag State is signatory to all the major safety and environmental protection Conventions and Treaties. It is an  active  member of the IMO, Ascent Navals Register has set the standard with regard to IMO participation and early ratification of the major Safety and Environmental Protection Treaties.

The Ascent Navals Register uses a worldwide network of nautical inspectors to conduct annual safety inspections, which compliment the surveys, conducted by the classification societies on our behalf. These inspections are focused on operational, manning, training and safety management issues.  This program is critical to maintaining the quality of this ship registry.

Marine Safety is responsible for:

  1. Approval of Shipboard Plans, including Ship Security Plans;
  2. Verification of the Security Plan implementation;
  3. Verification of the Safety Management System implementation;
  4. Evaluating vessel compliance through inspections and audits by reviewing reports;
  5. Developing and ensuring Minimum Safe Manning requirements;
  6. Oversight of the Ascent Navals Register Nautical Inspectors and ISM and ISPS Code Auditors; Oversight of the ROs and RSOs issuing DOCs, SMCs and ISSCs on behalf of Ascent Navals Register;
  7. Responding to requests concerning the ISM Code;
  8. Ensuring Minimum Manning Requirements;
  9. Overseeing actions by Ascent Navals Register Inspectors and Auditors;
  10. Managing Appeals concerning Port State Detentions or other Control Actions; and
  11. Issuance of Manning Dispensations  

The Registry tracks and reports to IMO on all Port State Detentions of Ascent Navals Registered Flag vessels.

By ASCENT NAVALS REGISTER-The Maritime Technical Administration